Having worked with the recycling industry since the dawn of this Millennium, Abraham founded Aquatechno with partner Takito Funatsuki in 2015.
Initially, Aquatechno specialised in bespoke Japanese waste technology but as global inquiries grew so did the size of the requirements. “This led us to seek out partnerships with pertinent technology and service providers in order to offer our prospective clients and partners more viable solutions in tune with the scale of their requirements ”
- Systems Scientist
- Global Citizen
- Trained Mediator
Having worked in the developing world as solar and wind energy were unfurling, the impactful problems of waste management and power shortages have helped set the course for what Aquatechno are able to provide globally.
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Always approachable please reach out if you have anything your regional manager cannot assist with and beyond.
we're all in this together
The technology is here to clean up our mess and make this world a better place - so let's do it!